The Salt Marsh in Early Autumn

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Dear Reader

No this is not a post about North Korea.

The dear readers of this blog send me emails, and I have been grateful for every one of them. About half respond to photos and local news; the others mention the rants and larger-scale postings. This balance makes me really happy.

Dreaming December Ducks

Meanwhile, Jan has sent more photos of local turkeys, sparking work on a posting about turkeys, featuring his illustrations. You'll see that one next week, to keep that path open for the twice-postponed Chinese aircraft carrier essay, still scheduled for tomorrow.

Today my fabulous daughter is visiting. She took the pet pictures you see here. Francie spent a lot of time out in the snow today. When she finally came in to rest she couldn't take her eyes off the white stuff.

The picture of Jimmy is with his new monkey toy, who was named - not by me - Brit Hume. Go figure.