The Salt Marsh in Early Autumn

Monday, December 12, 2011

The Stone Soup

The holidays can be a too-busy time for many people, especially those who are expected to provide food for varying numbers of people at the last moment.

The NY Time's fabulous food writer Mark Bittman Tweeted this morning about a weekly blog from Jules Clancy. This week she lists recipes for a dozen meals you "assemble," not cook. Some can even be assembled in advance while you're at work. The ingredients look both healthy and delicious - your mileage may vary.

Have a look at

Once on Jules' blog you can click on a button to make you one of thousands of her followers on Twitter.

Even though it's important for us to get excellent nutrition at times of stress like the holidays, I hope you'll also keep the phone numbers of of local pizza and Chinese takeout places on hand; give them instantly to those who whine about your garbanzos and cilantro. Life is too short to work hard and then be rewarded with fussy ingratitude.

Here's one of Jules' dishes: